
Bringing Memories to Life with AR Postcards and Posters

Transform your treasured moments into interactive art with Pixelier. Our unique AR-enabled postcards and posters bring your memories to vivid life, creating a mesmerizing blend of nostalgia and innovation right before your eyes.

How It Works

5 Easy Steps

Pick a Product

Start by choosing between a custom AR postcard and a poster. Both offer unique ways to bring your memories to life.

Pick a Photo

Choose a favorite photo from your gallery. This image will be the centerpiece of your postcard or poster, setting the stage for the AR experience.

Choose Your Clip

Select a cherished video clip to pair with your photo. This video will come to life when viewed through our app, whether on a postcard or poster.

Get it Delivered

Provide the recipient's address, and we’ll handle the rest. Whether it’s a postcard or a poster, we ensure high-quality printing and delivery to your chosen destination.

Unfold the Magic

Using the Pixelier app, the recipient can view your postcard or poster. As they scan the photo, your selected video clip plays, creating an immersive AR experience.


Reimagining Memories with AR Prints

Custom-Made Creations

With Pixelier, every print, be it a postcard or a poster, is a unique masterpiece. Choose your photo, select your video, and create a personalized piece that's just as special as your memories.

High-Quality Prints

We ensure that each Pixelier print is crafted with precision and quality, delivering a stunning physical memento that captures your memories beautifully.

Enchanting Experience

Pixelier prints are more than just images; they're gateways to your favorite moments. With just a scan from our app, the photo comes to life, unveiling a video clip that encapsulates your treasured memory.

Easy-to-Use Interface

Our app is designed with simplicity in mind. Even if you're not tech-savvy, you can create and send your personalized postcard in a matter of minutes.

Global Reach

With Pixelier, your memories know no boundaries. Whether you're sending a postcard within your region or across the globe, we've got you covered.

Privacy Ensured

We value your privacy. Your videos are securely stored and only accessible via a unique code.


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